Цитаты про свадьбу из сериала Как я встретил вашу маму | How I met your mother на английском

Цитаты про свадьбу из сериала Как я встретил вашу маму на английском

Lily: “Robin, I’m not going to freak myself out. I hate those women who say, “Oh, my wedding has to be perfect.” Things go wrong. Sometimes the deejay screws up your playlist. Sometimes you slip on placenta during the recessional

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Ted: “How about a slide show of you guys through the years set to Green Day’s “Time of Your Life” and ending with your baby photos side by side”.
Lily: “Oh, that’s great. Going on the list”.
Barney: “What list?”
Lily: “Horrible wedding clichées we’re not going to touch with a ten-foot limbo pole”.

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Lily: “We’ve done it. A wedding with zero clichées”.
Ted: “Wait, isn’t doing it in the reception hall bathroom kind of a clichée?”
Lily: “Well, okay, one clichée”.
Marshall: “Well, technically two”.

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Barney: “You don’t bring a date to a wedding. That’s like bringing a deer carcass on a hunting trip. Oh Ted, oh Ted, no, no date”.

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Claudia: “Yes, I want Tahitian vanilla. You wrote it down wrong? No no no no no, listen to me. If I go to my wedding and the cake is not Tahitian vanilla, I will come down there and burn your little shop to the ground. Do you wanna find out if I’m kidding?”

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Lily: “I’m marrying Marshall today. So it doesn’t even matter that I’m gonna walk down the aisle without a veil in a room that has no flowers to the music of half a harp played by a woman who’s crowning, as my high school boyfriend reads g*n N’ Roses lyrics. But that’s okay, because there’s no photographer there to take any pictures of it anyway”.
Robin: “Lily, are you okay?”
Lily: “What do you think?! Of course I’m not okay! Everything that could possibly go wrong at my wedding has! It’s ruined!”
Robin: “What happened to “I don’t want a perfect wedding”?”
Lily: “Oh, grow up, Robin! Of course I want a perfect wedding!”

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Ted: “Hey, how’s it going?”
Claudia: “My wedding’s in two days, that’s how it’s going”.

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Stuart: “Dude, no problem whatsoever”.
Ted: “Really?”
Stuart: “Sure, the more the merrier”.
Ted: “Wow, wow, thanks for being so cool about this ’cause you know Claudia said…”
Stuart: “Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, this morning at the rehearsal, Claudia called our 7-year-old flower girl a whore”. 

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Marshall: “Oh, you went around the bride. “Oh, this hornet’s nest looks harmless. Maybe I’ll poke it with a stick. Oh, look, some gremlins, let me go feed them after midnight”.

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Future Ted VO: “Kids, in life there are a lot of big romantic moments, and they make life worth living. But here’s the problem, moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality”.

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Future Ted VO: “You see, kids, when you get married, you learn a hard lesson. The wedding you set out to have is almost never the wedding you end up with”.

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Marshall: “Let’s do it. Let’s get married before we get married”.

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Ted: “Lily, you’re being a wee bit intense about this band thing”.
Lily: “Intense? I have a wedding to plan in nine weeks for 200 people. Even if a dinosaur should poke his head out of my butt and consume this coffee table, I need you to roll with it, okay?”

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Robin: “But you hate marriage. Why do you want to perform the ceremony?”
Barney: “Because it subtly implants in the mind of every woman there that when I ask a question, you say, “I do”.

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Lily: “You wait for the next crisis, the rules you, you’re a hero.After, you dealt with on about Robin, but this time she will say yes”.
Ted: “And if there is no other crises?”
Lily: “This is a bride. There will be another crisis”.

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Ted: “The tie is well, and you know, this is perfectly normal pinball shortly before his marriage”.
Barney: “I’m not scared. It’s just that I think once I’d put this tie, I could never remove it. I should wear it again and again. And of course this tie is fine now, but how I will cope when it becomes big and it annoy me? Do I made a mistake? Is what I would have been happier with the other tie? Ted, I can tell you a big secret?”
Ted: “Yeah, sure”.
Barney: “I do not really talk about the tie”.
Ted: “Yeah, I realized that Barney”.

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Yasmin: “So do you think you’ll ever get married?”.
Ted: “Well, maybe eventually. Some fall day, possibly in Central Park, simple ceremony, we’ll write our own vows. Band, no DJ; people will dance, I’m not going to worry about it! Damn it, why did Marshall have to get engaged? Yeah, nothing hotter than a guy planning out his own imaginary wedding, huh?”

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Barney: “A hot air balloon???”
Ted: “Well, yeah. I mean, when you’re getting married in a 17th-century castle in France and making your entrance on a stagecoach with six white horses, you kind of got to make a big exit”.
Robin: “How much are you spending on this?”
Ted: “Oh, like, a lot of money. Mmm… All of my money”.

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to perform the ceremony
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